Cognos Transformer | Модель куба | Data Source | Примеры вычислений |
1.Элементарный IF if ( "Product Name" like 'Новинка%' ) then ( 'Новинки' ) else ( 'Стандарт' )
2.IF… OR if ("Payment Type" = 'Credit Card' or "Payment Type" = 'Debit Card') then ( 'Bank Cards' ) else ( if ("Payment Type" = 'Credit Loan' ) then ( 'Credits' ) else ( if ( "Payment Type" = '...' ) then ( '...' ) else ( 'N/A' ) ) )
3.IF… AND if ("Payment Type" = 'Credit Loan' and ("Month Period" <= 12 ) ) then ( 'Included' ) else ( if ("Payment Type" = 'Credit Loan' and ("Month Period" > 12 ) ) then ( 'Included' ) else ('Not included') )
См. далее Просмотр данных разработанного Data Source